By BASE Physical Therapy on Tuesday, 11 October 2022
Category: Health Blog

What’s In Your Fridge Could Be Causing Your Pain!

Have you ever thought about the phrase “we are what we eat?” It seems trivial and overplayed, we know, but it’s the truth. Everything we put into our bodies, we essentially become, through our movements, moods, and our levels of health.

Watching what you eat can make a world of difference when it comes to managing a chronic pain condition such as arthritis. If you work with a physical therapist to help manage a chronic pain condition, you will probably receive some nutritional advice as part of the process!

Physical therapists are not nutritionists, this is true. However, they can provide you with nutritional advice that can supplement your treatment plan.

If you’d like more information on how nutrition and physical therapy go hand-in-hand, give our office a call. We’d love to talk with you about how therapy and a better diet can improve your life!

What are chronic pain conditions, and how does nutrition affect them?

Did you know that several common conditions in America are directly related to diet and nutrition?

Here are some conditions in which nutritional advice will likely be a part of the patient’s physical therapy regimen:

Physical therapy and nutrition

These illnesses and diseases can seem pretty scary and intimidating, we know. The good news is that using proper nutrition can prevent many of them from ever being a problem of yours!

Correcting your diet can also help to reverse the symptoms and pain of many conditions. Your physical therapist will not only help you to restore muscle and joint pain through targeted stretches and guided exercise but also through nutritional advice.

During your first appointment with a physical therapist, addressing your dietary status and needs may be a key part of the process. In some cases, patients can also be referred to a dietitian.

Here are two possible diets that a physical therapist might recommend for patients:

You might be recommended an entirely new diet to help reduce chronic aches and pains, lose weight, and improve your overall health. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you begin to see changes in the way you feel from day to day. Trust us, your body will thank you!

Call our clinic to learn more and schedule an appointment

Having a physical therapist work with you to manage your pain through exercise and diet can turn your life around. Physical therapists help hundreds of thousands of patients each year to improve their health and reduce aches and pains. If you’re ready to schedule your first appointment with a licensed physical therapist, call our office today!

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